Usable Artwork for Screen Printing and Embroidery Digitizing

So you’re ready to place an order for custom embroidered clothing. What’s next? There are a couple of steps we will walk you through to make sure we have “high resolution or vectorized artwork” for your project. If you don’t have artwork, don’t worry, we can design it for you.

Chenille Embroidery

Chenille consists of 2 types of stitches. One is a chain stitch. This is a stitch that lays flat upon the felt and acts as a border for the second type of stitch. The second type is called a loop stitch. The loop stitch ads a thick plush fill area but does not lay even on the edges. This is why the chain stitch is used. Together both the loop stitch and chain stitch complement one another and offer sharp lines, color depth and fill. 


Embroidery begins with a great looking design. Extreme Stitch Embroidery will help you nail down that idea or concept.  Next we take that great looking deign and turn it into a digitized design ready for machine embroidery. Digitizing is a manual process of laying out a set of instructions into an electronic file that only embroidery machines can understand. It is done manually one path at a time and each design can have hundreds sometimes thousands of paths.